Atelier artistic craft in which she cherishes the traditional craft skills of marquetry.

With the intention to refine the aesthetics of modern living through the production of furniture and interior marquetry technique.

Marquetry as a decorative art

Friday, October 30, 2009

marquetry album

marqutry web album


marquetry flash gallery

Saturday, October 24, 2009

MARQUETRY INTERPRETATIONS of old masters drawings

Wonder treasure trove of drawings of great masters in art history has become a wonderful inspiration, and irresistible passion (Giacomo Ceruti, Giorgio Vasari, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Francesco Salviati,  Pierre-Narcisse GuĂ©rin..).. 
That drawing, concealed in its importance, is the basis and foundation of all, the empire's motives and overall decorations.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

marquetry "prometheus065" silence and endless hours of joy,
share the latest with others something done ..

..u tisini i zadovoljstvu beskrajnih sati, podeliti sa drugima 
nesto najnovije uradjeno..


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