Atelier artistic craft in which she cherishes the traditional craft skills of marquetry.

With the intention to refine the aesthetics of modern living through the production of furniture and interior marquetry technique.

Marquetry as a decorative art

Monday, December 28, 2009

marquetry arabesque.. donne

"Žena stoji, kao kapija, na izlazu i na ulazu ovoga sveta."

Ivo Andrić

However, it is to look at the way a woman looks at a woman .. the subtle sensibility of two remarkable artists of this trade .. Juli Morsella (Hawaii),  Susana Cirille (Argentina) and Alison Elizabeth Taylor (USA).

July Morsella - Lei Maker

July Morsella

Susana Cirille - Reflexiones

Susana Cirille - Expomueble

Alison Elizabeth Taylor
Swimming Pool

Alison Elizabeth Taylor
Fucminster Buller


  1. Dušane, tako mi je drago da si otvorio svoj blog; tvoji radovi su toliko lijepi da ih uistinu što više treba vidjeti!

  2. Hvala romantales.. trudim se da trenutci koje posvetite mom blogu budu ispunjeni lepotom..bas kao sto su lepi i opustajuci svi trenutci koje pruzas svojim putopisnim vinjetama..
    Hvala jos jednom :)..


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