Atelier artistic craft in which she cherishes the traditional craft skills of marquetry.

With the intention to refine the aesthetics of modern living through the production of furniture and interior marquetry technique.

Marquetry as a decorative art

Sunday, March 7, 2010

.. during the drafting of a new motif

..while still in the development of this higher motive, like a small break, I made this flower

However, the real challenge is again drawing the old master Florentine mannerism, Francesco Salviati's (1510 - 1563) "Allégorie feminine".
Video only shows the truly complex phase in the development of this inspiring and beautiful motifs.


  1. Velikom umjetniku nijedan izazov nije prevelik, što ti evo svakim svojim radom ponovno dokazuješ :)

  2. Jano hvala :)
    drago mi je da ti se moj najnoviji rad dopada :)..mada, jos je u izradi, pa do kraja meseca nadam se da cu ga okoncati..
    A kako stvari stoje, bice da su me koleginice sa formuma privolele da sledeci rad bude opet.. jedan cvet :)


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